Sophie is a quiet and thoughtful young girl and while others may mistake her quiet nature for shyness, Sophie's introversion is a source of strength. With a keen eye for detail and a rich inner world, Sophie possesses a special ability to observe, ponder, and create.

This picture book promotes inclusivity, self-acceptance, and understanding of different personality types. The author and illustrator skillfully bring Sophie to life, capturing the essence of her introverted nature through vivid illustrations and relatable storytelling. As Sophie navigates her daily life, readers witness her wonderful qualities unfold. Her quiet confidence, thoughtful insights, and ability to recharge in solitude provide her with a unique perspective that positively impacts her and those around her.

Through My Preferred Way To Be, young readers are encouraged to embrace their personalities and recognize the multitude of talents that lie within them. This book invites all readers to recognize and celebrate their unique qualities and the significance of being true to oneself. So, do what you do and embrace who you are, because it's your preferred way to be by far.

My Preferred Way to Be

Personality, introversion, self-acceptance, individuality, strengths.




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This picture book promotes inclusivity, self-acceptance, and understanding of different personality types.

Through My Preferred Way To Be, young readers are encouraged to embrace their personalities and recognize the multitude of talents that lie within them. This book invites all readers to recognize and celebrate their unique qualities and the significance of being true to oneself.